February 19, 2018

Seeds of Thought for Spring/Summer 2018


Often from just one image sprouts a thousand seedlings of endless possibilities.
We love a stripe.  



 We really love pink.


Which is all very well...



... But we also love


Black and white.



So we (Mrs Dent and I) locked ourselves away
And scribbled and sketched and snipped and
Snapped and changed our minds often…
We invented occasions – ‘what would you wear to….
Tea with the Queen?’



‘This’ I replied.
‘One day I will (have tea with the Queen)
But perhaps I will wear …’



… this.    Or...



‘….perhaps this would be more sensible.’



Since those heady days last summer when the fabrics were chosen, 
the patterns made and the samples hand stitched, we
scraped together a collection, which as I write is currently in
full production.



With magic, patience and the expert skills of
Sophie and her lovely factories we will have this collection available very soon.



Meanwhile, I suggest you visit www.cabbagesandroses.com
And snap up the bargains of the current season, until the spring
when the fruits of our labour will start to arrive on our brand
new website and our beautiful Sydney Street store.

A blog by Christina Strutt